Ingress Intel Total Conversion Community Edition

A rewrite of the map

IITC Button browser add-on

IITC Button make it easier to install IITC and manage plugins. Now, to install a new plugin, simply select it from the list.

IITC Button addon
Get it on Firefox Add-ons and Chrome Web Store.
— or —

IITC UserScript


IITC requires a userscript manager. It can be either IITC Button or one of traditional userscript managers. For example:

Tampermonkey (proprietary) is the most popular userscript manager. It's available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, and Firefox.

Greasemonkey (MIT License) is a userscript manager made available as a Mozilla Firefox extension.

Violentmonkey (MIT License) provides userscripts support for Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

If you are using a different browser, see your browser documentation for details on installing userscripts.
For Android/iOS, please see the mobile page.

Useful links

IITC core and all plugins in one .zip file: release, beta

Archive of previous builds: release, beta

Download IITC core

Release channel

This is most tested version, but may not contain new features or fixes. If you are not sure otherwise, this version is the most suitable for you.

install release version


Beta channel

Contains new features and fixes that are not yet in Release. But may contain more bugs. Use the Beta version and help with testing if you are a long-time IITC user.

install beta version


Download IITC plugins

Plugins extend/modify the IITC experience. You do not need to install all plugins. Some are only useful to a minority of users.

Data caching to prevent reloading

Cache the details of recently viewed portals and use this to populate the map when possible

Map controls/widgets
by fragger

Show a zoom slider on the map instead of the zoom buttons.

Save your favorite Maps and Portals and move the intel map with a click. Works with sync. Supports Multi-Project-Extension

Allow drawing things onto the current map so you may plan your next move
by breunigs

Allow drawing things onto the current map so you may plan your next move. Supports Multi-Project-Extension.

Portal highlighters

Use the portal fill color to denote if the portal is either at and above, or at and below your level.

Use the portal fill color to denote if the portal needs recharging and how much. Yellow: above 85%. Orange: above 70%. Red: above 15%. Magenta: below 15%.

Use the portal fill color to denote portals with additional 'ornament' markers. e.g. Anomaly portals

by vita10gy

Show all portals as neutral, as if uncaptured. Great for creating plans.

Use the portal fill color to denote the portal has been visited, captured, scout controlled

Use the portal fill color to denote high level portals: Purple L8, Red L7, Orange L6

Use the portal fill color to denote the portal level by using the game level colors.

Use the fill color of the portals to denote if the portal is weak. Stronger red indicates recharge required, missing resonators, or both.

Use the portal fill color to denote if the portal is unclaimed with no recent activity. Shades of red from one week to one month, then tinted to purple for longer. May also highlight captured portals that are stuck and fail to decay every 24 hours.

Use the portal fill color to denote if the portal is missing resonators.

Display additional information
by yenky

Display a list of all localized portals by level and faction.

by Costaspap

Display a scoreboard about all visible portals with statistics about both teams,like average portal level,link & field counts etc.

by breunigs

Try to determine player levels from the data available in the current view.

by teo96

Display a sortable list of all visible portals with full details about the team, resonators, links, etc.

by jonatkins

View missions. Marking progress on waypoints/missions basis. Showing mission paths on the map.

Show the times used for the septicycle and checkpoints for regional scoreboards.

Additional map layers
by danielatkins

Allow users to overlay their own KML / GPX / GeoJSON files on top of IITC.

by xelio

Show the manually entered key counts from the 'keys' plugin on the map.

by johnd0e

Remove 'Artifacts', 'Beacons' and 'Frackers' from layerChooser (still keeping them on map)

by johnd0e

Replace all levels with single layerChooser's entry; reverting on longclick

Draw trails for the path a user took onto the map based on status messages in COMMs. Uses up to three hours of data. Does not request chat data on its own, even if that would be useful.

Add a 20m range around portals, to aid Wayfarer portals submissions

Map Tiles
Alternative map layers
by jonatkins

Add the native map tiles as an optional layer.

by jonatkins

Add the 'Toner' and 'Watercolor' map layers from

by jacob1123

Add a simplified gray Version of Google map tiles as an optional layer.

Portal Info
Enhanced information on the selected portal
by jonatkins

Allows your current location to be set manually, then shows the distance to the selected portal. Useful when managing portal keys.

Developer debugging aid: Add a link to the portal details to show the raw data of a portal.

by fstopienski

Try to show the linked portals (image, name and link direction) in portal detail view and jump to linked portal on click. Some details may not be available if the linked portal is not in the current view.

Show resonator energy percentage on resonator energy bar in portal details panel.

Adjust IITC settings
by jonatkins

For use for unattended display screens only, this plugin causes idle mode to be left once per hour.

by jonatkins

Disable the use of mouse wheel to zoom. The map zoom controls or keyboard are still available.

Unclassified plugins
by johnd0e

Hide info from intel which shouldn't leak to players of the other faction.

by 3ch01c

Allow manual entry of portals visited/captured. Use the 'highlighter-uniques' plugin to show the uniques on the map, and 'sync' to share between multiple browsers or desktop/mobile. It will try and guess which portals you have captured from COMM/portal details, but this will not catch every case.

by xelio

Allow manual entry of key counts for each portal. Use the 'keys-on-map' plugin to show the numbers on the map, and 'sync' to share between multiple browsers or desktop/mobile.

by xelio

Sync data between clients via Google Drive API. Only syncs data from specific plugins (currently: Keys, Bookmarks, Uniques). Sign in via the 'Sync' link. Data is synchronized every 3 minutes.

by Perringaiden

Machina investigation tools - 2 new layers to see possible Machina spread and portal detail links to display Machina cluster information and to navigate to parent or seed Machina portal